Just let it go …

Thank you to a REAL friend, who knows all the good and bad/happy and sad things about me, for sharing this with me.

Dear Soulful Girl,
From the time that we are young, we are confronted with the challenge of knowing how to deal with very good things happening to other people, but not necessarily to us, at least not those exact thing, and rarely at that exact time.
Jealousy is a vicious beast that can steal our own joy away, and we are best to put a stop to it just as soon as we become aware of those kinds of feelings welling up in our hearts.
You see, what we often do is compare our very worst parts to everyone else’s best parts in life, creating a situation that has no good ending. Comparing hardly ever has a good ending as a matter of fact.
A great tip for a happy life is to always be happy at other’s good fortune, young-looking genetics, or big breaks in life. Avoid comparing your situations, houses, husbands, diamonds, or jeans size with anyone else’s. Jealousy goes away when we practice gratitude for the blessings in our own life, and when we celebrate the blessings in other’s lives. There are not many acts of love greater than being genuinely happy to another’s good fortune when our own luck is down.
Be happy. Just decide. You are just right, and you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Thank you to The Brave Girls Club … the right message always seems to come through at the right time.

14 thoughts on “Just let it go …

  1. This here really resonates with me “You see, what we often do is compare our very worst parts to everyone elseโ€™s best parts in life, creating a situation that has no good ending”.

    There is one little quote that keeps me grateful and it’s this one…
    Gratitude turns what we have into enough.
    It’s so true ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Great advice. I’m struggling with a lot of this right now. Not jealousy as much as beating myself up on a daily basis for not having achieved enough, being a massive failure etc etc. So it’s always good to read this kind of thing, even if I battle to remember it when the dark thoughts arrive and whisper in my ear.

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